Best chemical peel are known to help diminish wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, acne scarring, sunspots, and other conditions that leave your skin looking dull. The winter months are generally the hardest time for skin and can cause dryness, textural issues, and overall dullness. We offer a variety of chemical peels to address the various concerns that affect the appearance of your skin.
Doing regular chemical peels, using low grade, mild to medium strength peels, helps provide the best results, and is one of the best ways to treat hyperpigmentation.
New to chemical peel treatment? We start low and go slow, starting with a lactic, glycolic, or salicylic acid peel. These are mild and will brighten and tighten. We can then step it up with a TCA peel, another low-grade peel with little to no downtime. The first two days, you are lighter, brighter, tighter; after the next two days, you will have mild peeling, and by day five, you have fresh new baby skin.
You can get gentle peels every week to achieve the desired effect at chemical peel in Greenville SC. Intermediate peels require some downtime with some mild to moderate peeling. Generally, these peels are better suited for fair to medium skin tones.