Acne is a huge thorn on the side, cosmetically speaking. Everyone is a potential victim of it. But did you know that chemical peels are potent agents against these pesky little abominations?
But more than that, chemical peels also have the power to eradicate the seemingly permanent acne scars. Just by knowing the right ingredients to use, you are well on your way to treating acne scars.
How Chemical Peels Treat Acne Scars
Chemical peels typically have a dual-step process. They clean and exfoliate the skin. These two steps can do a lot for your skin, including treating acne scars. Here’s a more in-depth explanation.
The Cleaning Process
The cleaning process of chemical peels generally removes dirt, sebum, dead skin cells, and other filth from the skin’s pores. Cleaning out the things that clog pores will help prevent acne breakouts in the future.
While this step does not truly do anything to treat acne scars, it prepares the skin for a more effective exfoliation process. Eradicating everything that will get in the way of the exfoliants penetrating through to the deep layers of the skin helps chemical peels achieve their purpose more effectively.
The Exfoliation Process
The exfoliation process accomplishes many things, one of which is eradicating acne scars. Exfoliating the skin means sanding away the top layers of the skin. A chemical peel may exfoliate the epidermis (the outermost and thinnest layer) and part of the dermis (the second layer of the skin), depending on its strength.
Because acne scars are on the skin’s surface, they also fall victim to the exfoliation process. The stronger the peel, the deeper it penetrates, and the more skin it exfoliates. Therefore, the stronger the peel, the more effective it is against acne scars, even the deeper ones.
After chemical peels exfoliate the skin, the body reacts by building new, healthier, more youthful, and more radiant skin tissue. It produces tons of new collagen and elastin tissues, the protein that lays the foundation for the skin’s structure. The collagen and elastin will provide firmness, elasticity, and youth to the skin.
The skin naturally loses its collagen and elastin due to aging or injuries. Acne breakouts essentially injure the skin by causing abnormal bulbous formations, or worse. After an acne breakout, the skin tries to repair itself using its supply of collagen.
The collagen works to repair the holes in the skin tissue, but instead of following the normal basket-weave formation, it crisscrosses. The crisscross pattern stands out from the skin’s natural collagen formation, which we perceive as scars.
But when chemical peels exfoliate the skin, they force the skin to build new tissue for a larger area. The collagen will form its typical basket-weave pattern over the exfoliated area instead of the scar-causing crisscross pattern. And that is how chemical peels treat acne scars.
Then Strength Levels of Chemical Peels
Chemical peels have three strength levels. Light or superficial peels only affect the epidermis. Because these peels don’t use strong acids, you can have them every couple of weeks or so.
Medium peels penetrate through the epidermis and to the top layer of the dermis. They are suitable for more severe skin problems such as acne scarring. You may need several treatments to achieve optimum results.
Deep peels reach even the middle layer of the dermis. These peels will burn the skin; you would need a numbing agent. The effects of these peels can last for a decade; they are for the severest of skin problems.
Chemical Peels Don’t Need to Stop There
But did you know that chemical peels don’t need to end with the exfoliating process? It can do so much more beyond that. Chemical peels can carry additional substances to help the skin transform into its more beautiful, more radiant, and healthier self.
After the exfoliation process, chemical peel extra ingredients can rejuvenate the skin as it repairs itself. Elements such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, Arginine, lactic acid, Allantoin, glutathione, and more will give your skin a boost in its appearance.
The body naturally produces hyaluronic acid to help the skin retain moisture. In cosmetics, practitioners use it as a dermal filler because it attracts water and keeps it to make the skin appear fuller and plumper. Adding it to a chemical peel gives your skin a more moisturized and radiant look.
Vitamin C is the most potent vitamin that combats alien threats to the body. It defends the body from viruses and bacteria that will do you harm. Vitamin C in chemical peels renders the skin less susceptible to damage from bacteria other damaging organisms.
Arginine is an a-amino acid that biosynthesizes protein. In less scientific language, it will increase the production of collagen proteins for generally better-looking skin.
Lactic acid expedites cell turnover, eliminating dead skin cells faster and producing new skin tissue. As an additional ingredient to a chemical peel, Lactic acid makes the skin thicker and firmer. Your skin will appear a lot smoother and more refined as a result.
The chemical compound Allantoin soothes the skin while it exfoliates. It is also an excellent skin protector with its moisturizing properties. Allantoin as part of chemical peels ensures healthier healing of the skin.
If you don’t know what glutathione does, you haven’t kept up with your cosmetics updates. Glutathione is famous for its whitening effect on the skin. It regulates skin pigment, improves elasticity, and continuously keeps the skin regenerating.
All of these ingredients are available through the various Alchemy West chemical peel services.
The Skin Beautiful Bar By Alchemy West
The Alchemy West Skin Beautiful Bar offers you the best options to get the best skin you deserve – and keep it! Chemical peels are only one of the many sub-sections of our Skin Beautiful Bar services. Contact Alchemy West today to find out about the best treatments for your skin.
You can reach us by phone at 864-263-7868, email at, or visit our office at 27 East Broad Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29601.