Even with the advent of modern facial treatments like lasers and fillers, chemical peels are still adapted by beauty lovers due to their ability to give successful results. Chemical peels are highly popular across the globe as many people are opting for the procedure because of their minimal occurrence of risky side-effects for treating a diverse of skin problems. They are successful in treating problems such as acne scars, skin discoloration, uneven skin tone, and texture or wrinkles.
About Chemical Peels
Your skin undergoes deterioration due to exposure to external pollutants, sun, and aging processes that may cause dryness, loss of texture, and overall dullness. We provide a variety of chemical peels to address the skin issues that impacts the appearance of your skin. Perfuming chemical peels as per expert advice, employing the right types will aid in getting ideal results: various types of chemical peels include:
- Superficial peels, that employ mild acids such as alpha-hydroxy acid to gently exfoliate and reach only the outermost skin layer.
- Medium peels, that use trichloroacetic or glycolic acid to penetrate the middle and outer layer skin layers which are effective for getting rid of damaged skin cells.
- Deep peels, that reach the middle layer of the skin to eliminate damaged skin cells and give aggressive results
The process usually begins with the usage of lactic, glycolic, or salicylic acid peel that is mild and causes subtle brightness and skin tightening effects. It is then added with a TCA peel, another low-grade peel that is not aggressive. For the initial two days, the target region will be bright and stiff; after the next two days, there will be mild peeling, and on day five, there will be fresh new baby skin. These gentle peels have to be performed at regular intervals to get the desired effect. Intermediate peels need some amount of downtime with mild to moderate peeling and are better suited for fair to medium skin tones. Deep peels deliver aggressive results and must be performed with extra caution.
The peeling process starts with the application of acetone or alcohol, which is spread consistently over the target region. The peeling solution is then applied for the suggested and planned period to be stopped by using a neutralizing solution. Doctors will use bandages to the treated region, and you may go home after a brief observation period. Recovery time is reliant on the nature of peel and can even go for few weeks. As chemical peels are considered cosmetic treatments majority are not covered by typical health insurance policies.
Major complications of chemical peels
All patients will have some recovery period, the duration of which is reliant on the depth of the peel. Deep peels can result in a considerable time of healing depending on the specific skin condition and overall health of the individual. Deep peels usually need local anesthesia, or rare general anesthesia, depending on the requirement. The side effects occur due to the chemical action of the peel that eliminates the old upper layer of the skin. People must know possible chemical peel side effects before the chemical peel procedure to make the best decision about undertaking the treatment. Major side effects are
There will surely be some redness of the skin after completing the procedure determined by the strength of the chemical peel. With deeper peels or among people with sensitive skin, redness can be more aggressive. It may be reduced within a few days or weeks, or it may last for several months. Your doctor will design a perfect solution depending on the skin type to avoid aggressive effects.
Variations in skin color
A chemical peel can transform the treated skin to darker than regular causing hyperpigmentation or lighter than regular leading to hypopigmentation.
Crusts or scabs may be formed on regions treated with any kind of chemical peel as the skin responds to the injury of spreading a specific type of chemical solution. Moderate peels can also expect to cause some amount of crusting as the old skin layer exfoliates and causes the exposure of fresh skin. The expert skin surgeon will provide you key advice on handling the crusting or other irritations developed by a chemical peel. This also consists of skin cleaning instructions and usage of sunscreen.
Sensitivity to Light
A chemical peel can enhance the patient’s overall sensitivity to sun rays. Hence refraining from exposure to the sun is usually suggested for several months after the procedure. Application of broad-spectrum sunscreen is mandatory after a chemical peel.
In rare situations, a chemical peel can lead to scarring especially on the lower part of the face. These scars can be reduced over time by using antibiotics and steroid medications as per expert advice.
Some chemical peel can trigger the herpes virus that leads to cold sores. And also enhance the chances of bacterial or fungal infection.
Heart, kidney, or liver issues
A deep chemical peel containing Phenol can cause harm to the heart muscle while also leading to variations in heartbeats. This phenol can also cause damage to the kidneys and liver.
Flaking and Peeling
Flaking and peeling are common side effects of chemical peels that are safe when caused in mild amounts. Care should be taken by a patient to not pick at the flakes and peeling skin since pulling off peeling skin before healing can cause infection and even severe scarring. Your doctor will give you appropriate ointment or lotion to safeguard the skin during peeling and flaking.
Some of the mild side effects like redness, flaking, swelling are expected but do not hesitate to call your doctor immediately if you see any highly adverse effects.
Final thoughts:
If you’re interested in having a chemical peel in South Carolina or possibly thinking about the suitability of a particular chemical peel, you should consult reliable skin specialists at Alchemy West who can advise and provide the best treatment to you with their expertise.